Instructions for preparing research for the Arab International Conference on Quality Assurance in Higher Education (IACQA):

First: English research, please prepare the research according to the template found on the following link: Click here to download the template

Second: Arabic research, please adhere to the following instructions:

1. All parts of the research must be in the form of two columns, except for the first part of the research, which includes the title, the name of the researcher, his title, the summary, and a list of keywords.
2. The research must be written in a sound language, taking care of the peculiarities of control, drawing, shapes and orthography attached to it.
3. The number of search pages shall not exceed 15 pages.

The researcher must adhere to the following order in writing his research:
1. Research title: Font size (12) and font type (Simplified Arabic) \ Bold.

2. The researcher and his address: font size (11) and type (Simplified Arabic).
The researcher's name and address are clearly stated, and the title states the name of the university or institution in which he works, the department in which he works, and his e-mail.

3. Abstract: font size (11) and type (Simplified Arabic) / italic.
The research shall be accompanied by a summary of no more than (200) words in the language in which the research was written.

4. Keywords: font size (11) and type (Simplified Arabic) / italic.
At least (4) keywords (functional) of its own shall be attached to the research.

5. The body (introduction, research problem, research materials and methods, results and discussion): font size (11) and type (Simplified Arabic).
The main headings are font size (12) and type (Simplified Arabic) / bold.

6. Tables: Each of the figures and tables are numbered respectively according to their occurrence in the research, and are provided with titles, and each of them is indicated in the body of the research by its numbers.

7. Margins: The margins of the bottom pages are used to mention any note, or to clarify any information contained in the body of the research, and for this a distinctive sign raised above the text is used, such as (*).

8. References: font size (11) and type (Simplified Arabic).
The numbers above the text are used for documentation in the body of the research, and the number and the reference related to it are mentioned in the list of references.
The reference numbers in the reference list are arranged sequentially, after taking into account the alphabetical order of the references in the list according to the author’s name as follows:

If the reference is a research in a periodical: the name of the researcher(s) starting with the last name, year of publication (in parentheses). Research title (in italics). Journal name, volume number, issue number, page numbers.
If the reference is a book: the name of the author(s) starting with the last name, year of publication (in parentheses). Book title (in italics). Book edition, publisher name, place of publication.
If the reference is a master's or doctoral thesis: write the name of the author of the thesis starting with the last name, the year (in parentheses). Message title (in italics). (Indicate a master's or doctoral thesis), name of the university, city, country.
If the reference is a publication or statistics issued by an official body: write the name of the body, year of publication (in parentheses). Report title (in italics). City, country, page numbers.
Proceedings of the conference: the name of the researcher(s) starting with the last name, year of publication (in parentheses). Research title (in italics). Conference name, volume number, diameter, page numbers.


Address :Zarqa University,

P.O.Box :132010 Zarqa -Jordan
Phone: 0096253821100

/ ext 1545

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