1. Your paper must be carefully checked for correct grammar and spelling.
2. Maximum length is 15 pages
3. All parts of the manuscript should be in two columns format, except the first part of the paper which includes the title, the complete list of authors, the abstract, and the list of keywords.
4. The paper should include:
• Title
• Author’s name's, affiliation, and present address.
• Abstract (maximum 200 words)
• Key words (maximum of four)
• An introduction, clearly explaining the nature of the problem, previous work, purpose, and contribution of paper.
• A conclusion section, which should clearly indicate advantages, limitations, and possible applications.
• A reference section (see below)
6. The references should be numbered in alphabetical order by the first author’s last name Citations in the text should be by number and enclosed in square brackets, e.g. [1]. The following format for references should be followed:
• Journal papers: authors; (year) paper title (in Italic); title of journal; volume and number; and inclusive pages; for example:
[1] Galton A., (1992), Logic as a Formal Method, Computer Journal, vol. 35, no. 2, pp. 431-440.
• Conference papers: authors; (Year) paper title (in Italic); title of proceedings; location; and inclusive pages; ; for example:
[2] Downey A., (1997) Predicting Queue Times on Space Sharing Computers, in Proceedings of the 11th International Parallel Processing Symposium, Geneva, Switzerland, pp. 209-218.
• Books: authors; (Year) title (in Italics); publisher; and location; for example:
[3] Hogger C., (1990) Essentials of Logic Programming, Clarendon Press, Oxford.
7. Diagrams and photographs must be of high quality. Diagrams and lettering must be either computer-designed or made using India ink (drafted). Photographs of diagrams are acceptable, but photocopies are not.
8. Papers poorly produced or incorrectly formatted may not be included in the proceedings.
Font Times New Roman.
Manuscript Title
• Type size 14 points*
• Style BOLD
• Alignment centered
Author Information
• Type size 10 points*
• UPPER CASE for the name
• Upper and lower case for the address
• Style NORMAL
• Alignment centered under the title
Abstract Information
• Type size 10 points*
• The word ABSTRACT is centered and type style BOLD
• Type style ITALIC for other text
Keywords Information
• Type size 10 points*
• Title case for the word Keywords and
• type style ITALIC & BOLD
• Type style ITALIC for other text
• Alignment is justified under the abstract information
• Type size 13 points*
• Style BOLD
• Alignment left
Sub Headings
• Type size 12 points*
• Style BOLD
• Alignment Left
Body Text
• Type size 10 points*
• Upper and Lower case
• Style NORMAL
• Left & right Alignment
Illustrations and Graphs
• Type size 8 point minimum*
• Upper & lower case caption
• Style NORMAL
• Centered Under one or two columns of body